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Develop Leadership Presence Through Storytelling

The guide provides emerging leaders with techniques to strengthen their leadership presence and communication skills through storytelling. It focuses on crafting...

What It Means to Become a Skills-Based Organization

Cut through the noise and find clarity on what a skills-based transformation means for the organization.

What It Means to Become a Skills-Based Organization Storyboard

This research explores cutting through the noise and finding clarity on what a skills-based transformation means for an organization.

Be Aware of Bias With Generative AI – Infographic

The infographic educates on identifying and mitigating bias in generative AI to promote fair and equitable AI-generated outcomes.

Think Critically to Select Effective Generative AI Use Cases in Your Role – Infographic

This infographic advises leaders on choosing the right tasks for generative AI in their work, suggesting a focus on high-impact, low-risk tasks and communicating the...

Reflect on Generative AI Outputs Using Critical Thinking – Infographic

This infographic instructs emerging leaders on how to critically evaluate generative AI outputs, focusing on the recency, relevancy, and accuracy of the information...

Map Your Plan to Enhance Your Digital Skills – Infographic

This infographic outlines a proactive approach to prioritizing and refining digital competencies that are essential for professional advancement and success in the modern...

HR Guide to Measuring Workload

Use this guide to measure workload, uncover challenges, and recommend interventions to support employees in achieving optimal workload.
  • guided implementation icon

HR Guide to Measuring Workload Storyboard

The path to workload optimization starts with intentional workload measurement. The HR Guide to Measuring Workload provides HR with the information and tools to measure...

HR Guide to Measuring Workload Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for measuring workload to the executive team.
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