Tools & Templates

Job Rotation Plan Assignment Template

Use this template to confirm job rotation details for the rotatee and their manager.

Comprehensive Competency Library

The comprehensive competency library tool allows you to customize your competencies to employees, thus giving them a personalized performance management plan.

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Internal Communications Strategy Template

Use this template to create and document the internal communications strategy.

Human Resources Competency Library

This comprehensive HR competency library will help you select and develop your technical HR competencies.

Centralization Diagnostic Tool

Use this tool to help determine the degree of centralization required to meet business goals.

360 Feedback Interpretation and Development Plan Job Aid

Use this job aid to guide employees through their 360 feedback results and using this feedback to find areas to target with development efforts.

Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Standard HR Scorecard

The HR Scorecard is a way to track progress towards your goals. Once you input your initiative information (including date and target metrics), the tool will help...

Ranking Tool

Use this tool to help you implement the ranking method for job evaluation within your organization.
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