Neuroscience and HR Storyboard

Neuroscience provides hard evidence for the importance of soft skills in HR. Use it to show stakeholders how people practices affect the bottom line.

Implement a Job Rotation Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to improve internal talent mobility and employee development with a job rotation program.

Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace Training Session Feedback Form

Use this template to collect assessments from participants of effective feedback skills training.

Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace Training Follow-Up Assessment

Use this template to conduct a survey of effective feedback skills training participants to assess behavior changes post-training.

Foster Effective Feedback Participant Handbook – Manager Training

Use this handbook to record information and participate in activities during training on effective feedback and as a reference post-training.

Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for an onboarding program that acclimates, guides, and develops new hires.

Build a Mentoring Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a customized mentoring program to support a larger L&D framework.

Effective Feedback Environment Scenarios

Use these scenarios to identify behaviors that affect the feedback environment.

Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

Performance management during an emergency work-from-home (WFH) protocol may be a challenge for managers that are not used to leading a remote team. Help managers adjust...

Foster Effective Feedback Participant Handbook – Employee Training

Use this handbook to record information and participate in activities during training on effective feedback and as a reference post-training.
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