Learning & Development

Learning in Action: Manage Your HR Brand

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the training Manage Your HR Brand.

Reinforce Behavior With Employee Recognition

When employees feel recognized, it positively impacts engagement. However, with so many items on managers’ to-do lists, recognition often falls to the wayside. Help...
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Handbook: Reinforce Behavior With Employee Recognition

Use this participant handbook as a resource for participants to reference during and after the Reinforce Behavior With Employee Recognition training.

Demystify the Design Thinking Mindset

Workplaces are undergoing rapid changes and employees expect work experiences that fit seamlessly into their lives. Help managers learn to adopt a design thinking mindset...
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Training Deck: Demystify the Design Thinking Mindset

Use this training deck to host training sessions for managers on applying a design thinking mindset to solve workplace problems.

Handbook: Design Thinking Mindset

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Demystify the Design Thinking Mindset training.

Build Trust as a Leader

Teach leaders the five fundamental trust building behaviors to equip them to develop trusting relationships with their employees.
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Learning in Action: Effectively Navigate Conflict

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the Effectively Navigate Conflict training.

Learning in Action: Define a Leadership Identity

Use this learning in action sheet to reinforce core concepts from the leadership identity training deck.

Buddy System Checklist for Managers

Use this checklist to provide managers with a comprehensive list of actions they can take to ensure their new employee benefits from the buddy system.
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