Learning Content - Tools & Templates

Performance Improvement Plan Template

Use this template to help managers organize the process, document the employees' action plan, and track their progress.

Team Charter Template

This template should be used to create a charter for your team. The charter formally outlines details including the team’s objectives, team membership, team ground rules,...

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Participant Handbook: Effectively Navigate Conflict

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Effectively Navigate Conflict training.

Participant Handbook: Define a Leadership Identity

Use this handbook to guide learners through leadership identity training activities.

Bad Hire Cost Calculator

The Bad Hire Cost Calculator will help you determine the cost of a bad hire to your organization to help make the case for best practice interviewing training.

Learning Map

Use this tool to guide organizational, departmental, and individual development activities to onboard new employees.

Standard Participant Training Session Evaluation Template

Participant reaction is the key to measuring the initial satisfaction of the training session, determining which areas are working, and which areas require improvement.

Train Managers on the Art of Influence Handbook

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Train Managers on the Art of Influence training session.

Project Roadmap Tool

Use this tool to create a project plan to support the roadmap and to prepare for technology selection and implementation.
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