HR Technology & Operations

Task Analysis Framework Example

Use this example as a starting point to develop the HR Employee Task Analysis Survey.

Social Media Metrics Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate social media efforts and identify areas for improvement in posted content and across media channels by recording key metrics performance.

Training Deck: Business Acumen for HR Professionals

Train HR professionals to understand and apply the fundamentals of business acumen. Through understanding of the organization, its industry, operations, and financial...

Select a Human Resources Information System Storyboard

Follow a structured and accelerated approach to procuring an HRIS solution, filling in knowledge gaps in an organized way that prepares you to make an informed decision.

Background Check Policy

Background checks are an invaluable element of a robust selection process. A well-developed background check process helps in validating employee information and ensuring...

HR Services: Employee Satisfaction Survey Tool

HR satisfaction surveys provide valuable feedback on the quality of your employee-facing HR services. This tool will help you measure service levels across different HR...

Plan for HR Shared Services Storyboard

HR shared service models are not one size fits all. Detailed planning will help identify which model best supports organizational needs while decreasing operational costs...

Educational Leave of Absence Policy

Professional development and education opportunities are key to attracting and retaining talent. Use this template to frame your educational leave policy for your employees.

Probationary Period Policy

A new hire's first months on the job can make or break an employment relationship. A clear and comprehensive policy governing probationary period is crucial for managing...

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace

Is a fundamental shift toward a skills-based talent sharing model using a talent marketplace platform right for your organization?
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