There are occasions where employees may be required to bring their children to work. Use this policy to minimize disruption at your workplace and set out appropriate...
In this research snapshot McLean & Company explores the state of digital transformation that many companies are experiencing and explore the role that HR must play in...
Giving back to your community increases engagement and benefits your community partners. Use this template to guide a fundraising program in your workplace.
Many managers fail to communicate when it comes to handling difficult conversations. Understand why you should train managers in this area and how you can get managers to...
Use this research to understand key concepts related to organizational budgeting, establish HR’s role as a strategic business partner in the budgeting process, and review...
Use this template to solicit feedback from stakeholders on policy development.
Managing common supplies is too important to the functioning of any office. Set clear expectations and procedures in a well-crafted office supplies policy.
Defining hardware and software requirements and purchasing procedures is integral to the management of your organization's assets. Clear the confusion by implementing a...
While former employees are an increasingly important part of the talent pool, lack of clear rehiring procedures may result in unnecessary costs and resentment. A...
Employing relatives or spouses comes with risks of conflicts of interest and tension in the workplace. A carefully crafted policy will ensure your organization retains...