Organizational Design & HR Structure - Storyboard
Types of Content
Plan for HR Shared Services StoryboardHR shared service models are not one size fits all. Detailed planning will help identify which model best supports organizational needs while decreasing operational costs... |
Determine the Right HR Outsourcing Solution StoryboardDeciding whether to outsource HR functions is not an easy task. Perform a thorough evaluation of your options and arrive at a best-fit solution for your organization. |
Optimize Span of Control StoryboardStriving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this... |
Reconceptualize Job Descriptions StoryboardRethink the way job descriptions are used and the process to create and update them. Support the adoption of a streamlined process to transform job descriptions from a... |
Redesign Your HR Structure StoryboardThere is no one-size-fits-all HR structure. It is important to align with the organizational strategy and design an HR structure to meet that purpose rather than... |
Guide for Organizational DesignThis guide provides HR leaders with an overview of organizational design, equipping them with essential insights to understand and navigate the complexities involved. |