HR Strategy

Crisis Workbook

Use this tool to capture key information in one place while working through the crisis identification process.

Business Impact Analysis Tool

Use this tool to conduct and document a business impact analysis to inform a business continuity plan.

BCM Project Tracker

Use this tool to track projects that result from business continuity planning and crisis management efforts.

Relocation Checklists

Use this tool to plan for and coordinate the relocation of business operations and staff to an alternate site or work-from-home.

BCP Recovery Workflow Example

Use this example BCP recovery workflow to support BCP recovery planning efforts.

BCP Presentation Template

Use this template to present the Business Continuity Plan and next steps to key stakeholders.

BCM Maintenance and Testing Schedule

Use this tool to track the frequency of testing and review activities for the business continuity and crisis management plans.

Build a Resilient HR Team Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to build resilience within the HR department.

Build a Resilient HR Team

HR’s role is complex, emotionally draining, and high pressure, which often leads to chronic stress. Lack of HR resilience impacts the individuals, organizational success,...
  • guided implementation icon

HR Resilience Workbook

Use this template to capture insights, themes, and needs for resilience techniques that HR can practice.
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