HR Strategy - Blueprints
Types of Content
Develop Business Continuity Management Response PlansCrises are a fact of life. This remains unlikely to change, so effectively navigating a crisis depends on having a response plan in place to mitigate risks and lessen costs. |
Preparing for an Internal Talent MarketplaceIs a fundamental shift toward a skills-based talent sharing model using a talent marketplace platform right for your organization? |
The Complete Manual for LayoffsWhen the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in... |
Redeploy Your Workforce During a CrisisMake the most of your workforce in a time of crisis by following McLean & Company’s process to initiate employee redeployment efforts and reduce costs. |
HR Trends Report 2023Explore the trends that will influence HR in 2023 and beyond as determined by over 1,000 human resources and business professionals in McLean & Company’s HR Trends Report... |
Neuroscience and HRBuild evidence-based HR practices that work with the brain, not against it, to gain credibility with stakeholders and drive business results. |
The Future of HRHow HR leaders can navigate uncertainty and prepare their HR function for the future. |
Prepare for External RisksIn today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment, organizations face vulnerability to external risks, and the talent implications are rarely assessed.... |
HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic GuideCompare key player satisfaction with HR effectiveness. Use McLean & Company’s HROA diagnostic to identify and support organizational and key player needs. |
HR Management & Governance Diagnostic GuideUncover insights on HR’s effectiveness across core HR areas. Use McLean & Company’s HRMG diagnostic and comprehensive methodology to improve HR service delivery. |