Change Management

LMS Download: Lead Through Change

This interactive eLearning module helps people managers learn how to successfully lead their teams through change. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your...

Develop a Resilient Workforce Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for developing a resilient workforce to your executive team.

Resilience Techniques Catalog

Use this catalog to explore and understand resilience reinforcement options to build out a portfolio of techniques.

HR Resilience Workbook

Use this template to capture insights, themes, and needs for resilience techniques that HR can practice.

Train Managers to Build Key Resilience Behaviors

Today’s leaders are faced with constant change and increasing complexity. Equip your leaders to be able to better respond to this environment with an understanding of key...

Build Key Resilience Behaviors Handbook

Use this handbook to take notes and participate in activities during training on resilience and as a reference post-training.

Nudges: A Paradigm for HR to Influence Employee Behavior

Employees are often unaware of the impact that biases and heuristics have on their decisions, leading to decision-making pressures and bottlenecks that have a significant...

Online Leadership Training: Lead Through Change

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to guide managers through online Lead Through Change training.

Online Leadership Training: Build Key Resilience Behaviors

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to guide managers through online building resilience behaviors training.

Webinar: Authentically Leading Through Disruptive Change

Leading others during unprecedented times is challenging. It becomes even more difficult when you are in the peak of the change and uncertain what the next normal will...
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