Work Environment

Catalyze Cross-Functional Collaboration

Increasing complexity, both inside organizations and in the external environment, is resulting in more challenging problems. To address these, different types of...
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Catalyze Cross-Functional Collaboration Storyboard

Bringing together specialized skills and knowledge through cross-functional collaboration is crucial for organizations today. However, traditional solutions require a...

Employee Burnout Infographic

Share this one-page infographic with employees to help them identify their burnout and empower them to raise burnout concerns.

Managers Guide: Effectively Identify and Extinguish Burnout

Use this guide to enable people leaders to identify and address individual experiences of burnout within their teams.

Standard Participant Training Session Evaluation Template

Participant reaction is the key to measuring the initial satisfaction of the training session, determining which areas are working, and which areas require improvement.

Targeted Flexible Work Program Workbook

Use this tool to document key information and decisions as you work through the Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program research.

Flexible Work Options Catalog

Use this tool to review flexible work options and create a shortlist for the feasibility assessment.

Four-Day Work Week Guide

Use this guide to support the implementation of a four-day work week.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.
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Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program Storyboard

Organizations who fail to offer flexibility will have a difficult time attracting, recruiting and retaining talent. It is vital to equip organizations with the...
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