Types of Content
HR Metrics LibraryThis library consists of an extensive list of potential HR metrics that apply to all functions of HR. Use this library to find metrics that are applicable to your... |
HR Action and Communication PlanUse this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project. |
Neuroscience and HRBuild evidence-based HR practices that work with the brain, not against it, to gain credibility with stakeholders and drive business results. |
Core Competency LibraryThis comprehensive core competency library will help you select and develop your organization's core competencies. |
Standard Internal Communications PlanUse this template to document the plan for communicating anything internally to target audiences. |
Comprehensive Competency LibraryThe comprehensive competency library tool allows you to customize your competencies to employees, thus giving them a personalized performance management plan. |
Organizational Values SurveyUse this Organizational Values Survey to collect data for what values are reflected in the actions and behaviors of employees and what values employees want to see in the... |
Recognition Ideas CatalogUse this catalog to explore proven approaches to formal and day-to-day recognition. |
Project Roadmap ToolUse this tool to create a project plan to support the roadmap and to prepare for technology selection and implementation. |
Move Toward Neuro-Friendly HR Practices InfographicUse this infographic to ensure your HR practices are increasingly and consistently neuro-friendly. |