Workplace Policies

Policy Template

Use this template to draft comprehensive and consistent policies.

Progressive Discipline Policy

Use a progressive discipline framework to provide an effective way of sanctioning a range of undesirable workplace behaviors.

Policy Violation Letter Template

Use this template to draft an official policy violation letter once guilt of transgression is proven.

Policy Receipt Acknowledgement Template

Use this form to receive acknowledgement of distributed policies from new or current employees.

Policy Draft Review Form

Use this template to solicit feedback from stakeholders on policy development.

Pandemic Policy

This template provides a framework for a comprehensive policy in the case of a pandemic breakout within your region and the business continuity guidelines that can be set...

Green Office Initiatives Policy

Implementing environmentally friendly ("green") initiatives in the workplace has numerous benefits. Companies save money on supplies (less paper used), utilities (less...

Inclement Weather Policy

Severe weather conditions can pose a significant hazard to public safety, and your employees.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Situations may arise where employees have (or appear to have) a vested interest in influencing the outcome of a business decision for personal/private gain.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy

Accessibility in employment is one of the cornerstones of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This template provides a practical framework for creating an ADA...
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