Total Rewards

Job Description Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate the current state of job descriptions and track the progress of updating job descriptions.

Job Description Template – Streamlined

Use this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective streamlined job descriptions.

Job Description Template – Traditional

Use this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective traditional job descriptions.

Reconceptualize Job Descriptions Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives and evaluate the impact on the organization of a defined and streamlined job description process.

Base Pay Increase and Bonus Approach Tool

Use the Base Pay Increase and Bonus Approach Tool to design an approach that is tailored to the organization.

Request for Review Template

Use this form to initiate a job worth hierarchy appeal.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program Storyboard

Organizations who fail to offer flexibility will have a difficult time attracting, recruiting and retaining talent. It is vital to equip organizations with the...

Create a Holistic Employee Wellbeing Program

Employee wellbeing is critical for organizational success. To leverage your wellbeing program's full potential, ensure there is uptake and awareness among employees.
  • guided implementation icon

Training Deck: Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay Conversations

Use this training deck to conduct management training sessions on compensation conversations.

Pay Transparency and Communications Plan

Develop a pay transparency strategy that suits your organization and draft a communications plan that aligns to your strategic objectives.
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