Job Architecture - Tools & Templates
Types of Content
HR Action and Communication PlanUse this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project. |
Standard Internal Communications PlanUse this template to document the plan for communicating anything internally to target audiences. |
Ranking ToolUse this tool to help you implement the ranking method for job evaluation within your organization. |
Classification ToolUse this tool to help you implement the classification method for job evaluation within your organization. |
Point Factor ToolUse this tool to help you implement the point-factor method for job evaluation within your organization. |
Method Selection ToolUse this tool to help you select the best-fit job evaluation method (ranking, classification, point factor) for your organization. |
Project Roadmap ToolUse this tool to create a project plan to support the roadmap and to prepare for technology selection and implementation. |
Job Description Tracking ToolUse this tool to evaluate the current state of job descriptions and track the progress of updating job descriptions. |
Job Description Launch DeckUse this presentation template to facilitate training with managers to introduce the new job description templates and process during project launch. |
Job Description Writing GuideUse this template to outline the appropriate guidelines for managers using the tailored templates to populate job descriptions. |