Tools & Templates

HR Strategy Workbook

Use this tool in tandem with the Create an HR Strategy Storyboard to document key information throughout the step-by-step guidance.

Standard Participant Training Session Evaluation Template

Participant reaction is the key to measuring the initial satisfaction of the training session, determining which areas are working, and which areas require improvement.

Role Plays: Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace

​Use these role play scenarios during employee and manager training on effective feedback skills to give them practice with all feedback actions and directions.

Compensation Philosophy Worksheet

A Compensation Philosophy documents your organization’s governing principles for compensation programs and activities. Use the Compensation Philosophy Worksheet to assess...

Learning Map

Use this tool to guide organizational, departmental, and individual development activities to onboard new employees.

HR Policy Needs and Priority Assessment Tool

Use this tool to perform a needs assessment as the first step to tackling the development of new policies or overhauling an existing policy portfolio.

Exit Summary Template

Exit Summaries are short documents that help ensure all departing employees leave the organization with the necessary information about final pay, benefits, and contact...

Negotiate With Empathy Handbook

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Negotiate With Empathy training.

Employee Development Program Design Playbook

Use this workbook to record key project decisions and information when designing the employee development program.

Policy Receipt Acknowledgement Template

Use this form to receive acknowledgement of distributed policies from new or current employees.
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