Case Studies: Design an Impactful Employee Development Program

There are numerous ways to build impactful employee development programs. These case studies provide examples of how different types of organizations developed their...

Case Studies: Neuroscience and HR

There are multiple ways to foster neuro-friendly practices in HR. The following case studies demonstrate examples of how organizations enhanced their performance...

Microlearning: A Manager’s Guide to Onboarding

Use this microlearning to give managers the strategies and tools they need to support consistent, effective onboarding experiences at your organization.

Microlearning: Practice Starting a Great Mentoring Relationship

This interactive eLearning module helps mentors prepare for and navigate their first mentorship meeting. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization's...

Flow State: A Gateway to Engagement, Performance, and Productivity

How your organization can activate the conditions for employees to achieve optimal results.

Flow State: A Gateway to Engagement, Performance, and Productivity Storyboard

Flow state is the mental state of being fully immersed in an activity. Organizations that facilitate flow state enable employees to achieve optimal results, increasing...

Case Studies: Flow State: A Gateway to Engagement, Performance, and Productivity

Refer to these case studies for examples of how organizations activated the conditions for employees to achieve optimal results.

Workshop Overview: Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Develop a Comprehensive Onboarding Plan workshop.

Job Shadowing Guide

Use this guide to develop a job shadowing program that supports talent development needs.

Learning in Action – Build Effective Mentoring Relationships

Use this learning in action sheet to summarize key points from the Build Effective Mentoring Relationships LMS Download.
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