Talent Development - Tools & Templates

Onboarding Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore onboarding initiatives that could be included in a comprehensive onboarding program.

Onboarding Playbook

Use this playbook to evaluate and redesign the onboarding program.

Buddy System Checklist for Managers

Use this checklist to provide managers with a comprehensive list of actions they can take to ensure their new employee benefits from the buddy system.

Tip Sheet for Buddies

Share this one-page tip sheet with buddies to provide a summary of key responsibilities, tips, and talking points to leverage throughout the relationship.

Training Deck: Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace – Employee Training

Train employees to effectively give, receive, ask for, and act on feedback to improve employee engagement and innovation.

Foster Effective Feedback in the Workplace Training Follow-Up Assessment

Use this template to conduct a survey of effective feedback skills training participants to assess behavior changes post-training.

Effective Feedback in the Workplace Knowledge Check

Use this quiz after training employees and managers on effective feedback practices to assess their understanding of the content.

Effective Feedback Environment Scenarios

Use these scenarios to identify behaviors that affect the feedback environment.

Foster Effective Feedback Participant Handbook – Employee Training

Use this handbook to record information and participate in activities during training on effective feedback and as a reference post-training.

Foster Effective Feedback Participant Handbook – Manager Training

Use this handbook to record information and participate in activities during training on effective feedback and as a reference post-training.
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