Learning & Development

Develop an Impactful High-Potential Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to develop a high-potential program.

Systematically Develop Your HR Department Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to develop HR capabilities that impact organizational success.

HR Development Workbook

Use this tool throughout the HR capabilities project to plan the development program, record key information, and perform a departmental competency assessment.

Online Workshop: HR Development

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the HR Development workshop online.

Case Studies: Systematically Develop Your HR Department

Refer to these case studies for examples of unleashed HR capability projects.

Webinar: Systematically Develop Your HR Department

HR development is critical for HR and the success of the entire organization. During this session, we will discuss a simple process to identify the competencies your HR...

How to Be an Ally Handbook

Use this handbook to take notes and participate in activities during training on allyship and as a reference post-training.

Master the 3i’s of Employee Engagement

Managers play a significant role in employee engagement. In order to create impact, managers need strategies to address engagement challenges with their team. Train...
  • guided implementation icon

Increase Employee Engagement Using the 3i’s

To impact employee engagement managers need to be trustworthy and transparent. They must not only value but also act on employee feedback. Train managers on the...

How to Be an Ally – Allyship Foundations

This interactive eLearning module targets the foundations of allyship and is intended to interact seamlessly with your business’s existing learning management systems.
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