Learning Content - Blueprints

Improve Poor Employee Performance

This interactive eLearning module will help managers identify the root causes for poor employee performance and devise strategies to address them at an early stage and in...

Effective Virtual Meetings

Learn what to do before, during, and after a virtual meeting to ensure it is an effective use of everyone’s time.

Difficult Conversations at Work – Reflect on Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement

This interactive eLearning module will help managers and their teams focus on working together successfully with solid communication methods, which in turn impacts...

Difficult Conversations at Work – Practice and Plan Effective Strategies

This interactive eLearning module will help managers have increased confidence through gaining a methodology for having difficult conversations and a safe environment to...

Influence Organizational Stakeholders

This interactive eLearning module targets core principles of using influence as a leader. It is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization's existing learning...

Biases and Heuristics

Use this microlearning as an introduction to biases and heuristics.

How to Prioritize Your Work When Everything Feels Important

There are lots of challenges that we encounter, especially in today’s hybrid working world, that can make prioritization difficult. Use this microlearning to explore...

Goal Management Guide

Use this microlearning as just-in-time training to prepare for or debrief after goal management conversations.

Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1

Data is everywhere, but its true power comes from an ability to observe trends and gain insight from it. Learning to leverage often readily available people data can help...

Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2

Data is everywhere, but its true power comes from an ability to observe trends and gain insight from it. Learning to leverage often readily available people data can help...
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