HR Strategy

Case Studies: Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan

Refer to these case studies for examples of implemented talent retention plans.

CHRO Roundtable: How Has HR Evolved Over the Last Year, and What Does It Look Like Going Forward?

A distinguished panel of senior HR executives discuss their HR journey over the past year with a specific focus on DEI and remote work.

Get Started With HR Analytics Storyboard

Analytics is a powerful tool to answer business questions, explain or explore metrics, and plan for the future. Understand how to build upon metrics and data to provide...

HR Analytics Workbook

Use this workbook to capture key information in one place throughout HR analytics agenda development.

Get Started With HR Analytics Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to optimize business decisions across the organization with HR analytics.

Case Studies: Get Started With HR Analytics

Refer to these case studies for examples of HR analytics solutions.

HR Analytics Gap Analysis Tool

Use this tool to understand the gaps in each HR analytics building block and to prioritize the gaps to address.

Get Started With HR Analytics

Leverage the value of HR analytics solutions to prepare for the future of HR and take advantage of the advancements in the HR analytics space.
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What's New With McLean & Company – A Virtual Tour

Have you visited the McLean & Company website lately? We are hosting a quick 30-minute tour to help you discover our site and navigate it with ease.

CHRO Roundtable: Digital transformation is here, how is HR moving forward?

A distinguished panel of senior HR executives share their experiences with HR technology and the role HR can play in supporting the ongoing digital transformation...
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