HR Strategy

Data Governance Framework Template

Use this template to document each component of the data governance framework.

Navigate C-Suite Dynamics

This guide enables the CHRO to facilitate collaboration, influence, and achieve organizational success through effectively navigating the C-suite.

Employee Listening Channels Catalog

Use the Employee Listening Channels Catalog to identify specific channels for feedback between employees and the organization.

Employee Listening Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a developing an employee listening strategy to the executive team.

Introduction to Contingent Work Storyboard

The Introduction to Contingent Work Storyboard explores the unique contingent worker experience and helps HR navigate the customization of HR programs for a contingent...

Employee Listening Strategy Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information about the driving need and purpose statement, outline the steering committee, strategic connections, create a listening...

Employee Listening Strategy Calendar Template

Use this calendar template to document the frequency and timing of employee listening efforts.

HR Management & Governance Framework Template

Use this framework to communicate lessons learned and organize results to build evidence-based action plans that improve key HR areas and increase overall HR effectiveness.

Summary: Future of Work

In this summary of the full Future of Work Report, we highlight key drivers, both in motion and on the horizon, of critical workplace impacts and offer insights on how to...

HR Management & Governance Framework Download

Use this framework to communicate lessons learned and organize results to build evidence-based action plans that improve key HR areas and increase overall HR effectiveness.
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