HR Strategy
Types of Content
Develop an Employee Listening StrategyDevelop a purposeful employee listening strategy that results in meaningful action and ensures alignment with organizational strategies and employee needs. |
Employee Listening Strategy Calendar TemplateUse this calendar template to document the frequency and timing of employee listening efforts. |
Case Studies: Develop an Employee Listening StrategyRefer to these case studies for examples of employee listening strategies. |
Develop an Employee Listening Strategy StoryboardAlthough many organizations understand the importance of employee listening, employees still don’t feel heard. Develop a purposeful listening strategy to ensure listening... |
Employee Listening Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for a developing an employee listening strategy to the executive team. |
Employee Listening Channels CatalogUse the Employee Listening Channels Catalog to identify specific channels for feedback between employees and the organization. |
McLean Academy: Learning Snapshot – Explore HR Strategic Discovery ActivitiesIn today's rapidly changing work world, HR professionals require effective methods for gathering key insights to inform their HR strategy and align initiatives with... |
Reduce HR Costs Presentation TemplateUse this presentation template to share current-state findings and cost optimization objectives to gain buy-in for the implementation of proposed initiatives. |
Cost Optimization Initiatives CatalogUse this catalog to evaluate initiatives for reducing and/or optimizing costs. |
HR Cost Reduction WorkbookUse this workbook to record key information, data, and decisions made around reducing HR costs. |