HR Strategy
Types of Content
Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training deck. |
Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training deck. |
Data Literacy Module 3 QuizUse this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training. |
Data Literacy Module 1 QuizUse this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training. |
Data Literacy Module 2 QuizUse this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2 training. |
Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2 training deck. |
Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan Executive BriefingUse this briefing to make the case for a plan to anticipate and address regrettable turnover. |
Turnover Tracking ToolUse this tool to record and track turnover data over time. |
Determine the Right HR Outsourcing Solution StoryboardDeciding whether to outsource HR functions is not an easy task. Perform a thorough evaluation of your options and arrive at a best-fit solution for your organization. |
Service-Level Agreement TemplateUse this template to outline expectations and accountabilities for vendor/organization relationships. |