Work Environment - Tools & Templates

Employee Experience Workbook

Use this tool to analyze data and begin the process of developing the key area(s) of focus for the employee experience initiative.

Storyboarding Guide

Use this guide to understand the benefits of using prototyping methods like storyboarding to clarify processes, ideas, and visions.

Personal Network Analysis Tool

Use this tool to assess the diversity of your personal network at work.

Collaboration and Networking Self-Assessment

Use this self-assessment tool to gauge the participants' comfort level with network activation prior to training and the behavior change achieved after completion of training.

Guide to Flexible Work for Managers and Employees

Use this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program.

Employee Experience Test Session Guide

Use this guide during prototype testing sessions to track feedback conversations.

Catalyze Cross-Functional Collaboration Worksheet

Use this tool to identify solutions that are applicable to your organization and record a description of your chosen solutions.

Collaboration Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore solutions that can increase collaboration across functions or departments.

Standard Project Charter

This template should be used to create a charter for your project team with a formal outline and sign-off of key project information.

Samples of Collaboration Technology Maps

Use this template to find instructions and samples of actual completed inventories of collaboration technology.
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