Once a comprehensive list of tasks that define the job have been identified, it is often organized into a task inventory, a structured job analysis questionnaire. The purpose of the inventory is to get job experts to rate tasks on scales such as frequency, importance, and difficulty to identify, in a defensible manner, the critical components of the job.
This task inventory template provides:
- An outline for a cover page that communicates introductory information about the task inventory to respondents.
- A format for organizing the tasks identified for the job being analyzed, and for organizing the accompanying task rating scales you choose to use.
- Example tasks and rating scales to illustrate how to use the template.
- Details about common task inventory rating scales.
- A section to collect basic demographic information from respondents.
Use this easy-to-modify template to build a task inventory that can be administered via paper and pencil or email, or that will be the basis for programming a web-based inventory.