CHRO Roundtable: Digital transformation is here, how is HR moving forward?
McLean & Company's 2021 HR Trends Report found that the shift to remote work has accelerated the investment in many HR technologies year-over-year, with the greatest increases occurring in technologies directly connected to working remotely. Within and outside of HR, digital transformation is here to stay. And HR has a role in leading the transformation.
Reactive quick fixes and band-aids were enough to survive 2020, but long-term, proactive action is required to support organizations staying digital and outperforming their peers.
In this recording of our live CHRO panel webinar Nichole A. Thompson, SVP and Chief People Officer, FLS Transportation, and Parker C. McKenna, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Mosaic, Inc.:
- Share their insights on digital transformation, HR technology, and how HR can support digital transformation.
- Describe proactive and actionable next steps when it comes to digital transformation.
- Explain what they foresee over the next year for HR.