Rewards Communication

Build a Total Rewards Strategy Storyboard

Compensation and benefits alone are not enough to motivate, engage, and retain employees. Use our research to create a holistic Total Rewards strategy by tapping into...

Case Study: Craft a Compensation Philosophy

Refer to this case study for an example of the process of drafting a compensation philosophy.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay Conversations

Use this participant handbook as a resource for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay Conversations training.

Total Rewards Calculator

Use this tool to calculate the potential Total Rewards package for candidates.

Total Rewards Statement Sample – Comprehensive

Use this sample for ideas on how to design your organization’s Total Rewards statement.

Total Rewards Statement Sample – Concise 

Use this sample for ideas on how to design your organization’s Total Rewards statement.

Build a Total Rewards Statement Storyboard

Use this job aid to build a Total Rewards statement that summarizes the value of the organization’s Total Rewards offering.

Build a Total Rewards Statement

A significant amount of employees lack understanding of the actual value of their Total Rewards package. Communicating the Total Rewards offering to potential candidates...
  • guided implementation icon

Craft a Compensation Philosophy Executive Briefing

Use this executive briefing to make the case to your executive team for crafting a compensation philosophy.

Craft a Compensation Philosophy Storyboard

A compensation philosophy that clearly articulates the organization’s high-level approach to pay for each of its employee segments is the foundation of compensation programs.
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