Workforce Planning - Storyboard
Types of Content
Design and Build a Strategic Workforce Planning Toolkit StoryboardThe nature of work is rapidly changing. Prepare to address changing needs by creating a workforce planning process that addresses critical talent needs in the organization. |
Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan StoryboardUse this blueprint to build retention plans based on the analysis of employee data and feedback to identify key reasons for their departure. |
Create a People-First Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy StoryboardA people-first diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy sets the stage to address systemic issues that undermine the employee experience. |
Identify Skills of the Future StoryboardNot having skills available when they are needed can negatively affect a company’s performance. Proactively planning to develop future skills, rather than reacting to the... |
Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace StoryboardLearn more about internal talent marketplaces and review key considerations around their design, the technology, and the change that comes with their implementation to... |
Headcount Planning Guide StoryboardUse this guide to determine the right number of jobs and positions required to achieve organizational goals while adhering to budget constraints. |
Address the Talent Gap Driven by Generative AI StoryboardGenerative AI can automate tasks, which will disrupt organizations by reshaping roles, shifting talent requirements, and impacting workforce composition. Address the... |
HR Guide to Measuring Workload StoryboardThe path to workload optimization starts with intentional workload measurement. The HR Guide to Measuring Workload provides HR with the information and tools to measure... |
HR Guide to Job Redesign StoryboardEffectively redesign jobs to support the evolving needs of the organization and employees. Leverage job design methods to address pain points and strike a balance between... |
New Hire Survey Benchmark Report 2024Get key insights, analysis, and benchmarking data for McLean & Company’s New Hire Survey from 2021 to 2023. |