Performance Management - Tools & Templates

Modern Performance Management Presentation Template

Use this template to introduce the new PM framework to managers and employees.

Performance Management Effectiveness Scorecard

Use this tool to better understand what is and isn't working with your current performance management framework.

Goal Management Job Aid

Use the Goal Management Job Aid to further understand McLean & Company's goal management model.

Calibration Job Aid

Use this template to further understand how to structure calibration meetings and mitigate biases.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Improve Poor Performance in a Hybrid Environment

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Equip Managers to Improve Poor Performance in a Hybrid Environment training.

Role Plays: Equip Managers to Improve Poor Performance in a Hybrid Environment

Use these role play scenarios during training on improving poor performance in hybrid environments. These conversations give managers the opportunity to put their...

Performance Improvement Plans Job Aid

Use this job aid to find information on performance improvement plans, including stages, actions, and best practices.

Coach Employees for High Performance & Development Participant Handbook

Use this handbook as a reference for managers to find and capture essential information during and after the coaching training session.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal Discussions

Use the workbook as a guide for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal Discussions training session.

Learning in Action: Build Trust as a Leader

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the Build Trust as a Leader manager training session.
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