Build an Employee Referral Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for revising the employee referral process to align with the company culture and brand.

Build an Employee Referral Program Storyboard

Many organizations currently have a referral program, but are unsatisfied with the results. Unlock the potential of employee referrals to provide a great employee and...

Build an Employee Referral Program

Download our research to learn how to design a program to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion; align to your culture and brand; and provide a great employee and...
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Campus Recruitment Readiness Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure everything is in place before the campus recruiting year starts.

Campus Recruitment Calendar

Use this tool to plan campus recruitment for the following year and keep all stakeholders on track.

New Graduate Audience Profile Template

Use this template to distill key findings from research on students groups that will inform program design decisions for target roles.

Case Studies: Build a Customized Campus Recruitment Program

Refer to these case studies for examples of real-world campus recruitment programs.

Campus Recruitment Program Workbook

Use this tool to record important decisions for the recruitment program and prepare for campus recruiting.

Build a Customized Campus Recruitment Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a campus recruitment program to your executive team.

Build a Customized Campus Recruitment Program

Campuses are a great source of talent, but organizations don’t effectively engage with schools to target the right talent. Organizations continue to use traditional...
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