Tools & Templates

Team Charter Template

This template should be used to create a charter for your team. The charter formally outlines details including the team’s objectives, team membership, team ground rules,...

Reference Check Interview Templates

Use the Reference Check Interview Template when hiring for entry to mid-level roles. Use the Competency-Based Reference Check Template when hiring for professional and...

Leadership Development Program Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

This tool is designed to help you calculate the hard costs and benefits of your leadership development program. The results of a comprehensive financial analysis will...

Employee Performance Measures Template

The Employee Performance Measures Template provides an all-in-one tool for tracking your departmental goals, employee performance measures, reporting requirements, and...

Required Positions Inventory

The Required Positions Inventory will allow a Recruitment Manager or HR leader to maintain an up-to-date, prioritized register of all planned hires outlined in a...

ROI Calculator for Corporate Training

Although it requires the consideration of both known facts and unknown future circumstances, quantifying the ROI of training is very useful in determining the expected...

New Hire Business Case Template

Whether or not your organization utilizes a formal business case process in determining hiring needs, you will benefit from listing and considering factors that influence...

Remote Access Policy

Working off-site is often convenient, but employees still need access to network resources from remote locations. Access needs to be managed with the best interests of...

Checklist for Checking References

Most companies have had to fire people for reasons that could have been discovered through simple reference checks. In many instances, employers will ask about a...

Social Media Recruiting Cost/Benefit Calculator

True ROI cannot be calculated for a social media recruiting campaign because the return is not directly translated into monetary values. A cost/benefit analysis is a much...
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