Learning & Development

Leadership Development Playbook

Use this tool to identify gaps in current learning content and map out a plan of action for designing an impactful leadership development program.

Leadership Development ROI Calculator

Use this tool to evaluate the impact of leadership development ROI and compare program costs and benefits.

Team Effectiveness Questionnaire

Use this template to survey team members and understand the current state of team effectiveness.

Team Effectiveness Assessment Tool

Use this tool to quickly identify focus areas for team improvement.

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Behavioral Interview Question Library

This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...

Role Plays: Coach Employees for High Performance and Development

Use these role plays during coaching training to give managers the opportunity to practice coaching skills in realistic scenarios.

Coaching Training Session Feedback Form

Use this evaluation form to gather participant feedback on training at the conclusion of the session in order to improve content and facilitation of future sessions.

Training and Development Program ROI Analysis Tool

Use this tool to calculate the costs and benefits of training and development programs to demonstrate if, and to what extent, an ROI is being achieved.

Plan and Deliver Effective Manager Training Guide

Use this guide to improve the delivery of manger training programs.
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