Use this template to collect data on the current state of internal communications.
Use this template to provide communicators across the organization with guidance on how to communicate effectively.
Use this Excel calendaring tool to organize and monitor key communications throughout the organization, while accounting for any resourcing constraints and competing...
This one-page resource provides an overview of key McLean & Company communications resources that can support your HR and organizational needs.
Use this template to present an end-to-end business case to executives for approval of your HR initiative.
Use this template to present a summary version of your HR initiative business case to executives for approval.
Use this primer for guidance on the use of advanced technology in HR, such as artificial intelligence.
Use this workbook to capture key information and decisions while developing the digital HR strategy.
Use this template to distill key findings from end user interviews and research that will inform digital HR strategy decisions.
Use this template for guidance and sample questions during HR technology interviews with employees.