Digital HR Strategy Workbook

Author(s): William Howard, Talia Speigel, Casey Murphy

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Develop a client-focused digital strategy to deliver a positive experience with HR services. Use the Digital HR Strategy Workbook to:

  • Record stakeholder responsibilities and time commitments.
  • Document insights from the client and organizational needs analyses.
  • Prioritize HR technology elements to focus on and define scope and purpose.
  • Document goals and metrics to measure the success of the overall digital HR strategy and each prioritized HR technology element.
  • Document the key processes and systems associated with the prioritized HR technology element(s).
  • Create journey maps for each persona within each key HR process.
  • Identify client and organizational digital opportunities, uncover any overlap and/or conflict, and initiatives to address the digital opportunities.

Use this workbook to prioritize actions to deliver a digital HR strategy.

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