HR Strategy

Job Description Template – Streamlined

Use this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective streamlined job descriptions.

Job Description Template – Traditional

Use this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective traditional job descriptions.

Reconceptualize Job Descriptions Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives and evaluate the impact on the organization of a defined and streamlined job description process.

Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.

Change Post-Mortem Template

Use this template to record lessons learned during change implementation.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program Storyboard

Organizations who fail to offer flexibility will have a difficult time attracting, recruiting and retaining talent. It is vital to equip organizations with the...

Determine the Right HR Outsourcing Solution for Your Organization Storyboard

Deciding whether to outsource HR functions is not an easy task. Perform a thorough evaluation of your options and arrive at a best-fit solution for your organization.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Lead Through Change

Use the participant handbook as a takeaway guide for training participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Lead Through Change training session.

M&A Terms and Conditions Inventory

Use this tool to evaluate the terms and conditions of both the acquiring and acquired organization, and select a target position for each term or condition.

Optimize Span of Control Storyboard

Striving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this...
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