HR Strategy

Internal Communications Guide Template

Use this template to provide communicators across the organization with guidance on how to communicate effectively.

Internal Communications Audit

Use this template to collect data on the current state of internal communications.

Turnover Tracking Tool

Use this tool to record and track turnover data over time.

Ten Ways to Connect With Your Employees During a Crisis

Use this guide to discover best practices to keep in contact with employees, teams, and the entire organization during a crisis.

Plan for HR Shared Services Storyboard

HR shared service models are not one size fits all. Detailed planning will help identify which model best supports organizational needs while decreasing operational costs...

Strategy Exploration Guide

Use this guide to understand and conduct the analyses and activities recommended by the Strategy Discovery Tool.

Create a People Strategy Storyboard

Without additional resources, HR departments must do more with less to provide value to the organization. Using a targeted people strategy, HR can prioritize the most...

Training Deck: Train Managers to Build Key Resilience Behaviors

Today’s leaders are faced with constant change and increasing complexity. Equip your leaders to be able to better respond to this environment with an understanding of key...

Job Description Template – Traditional

Use this template to standardize the content in job descriptions. HR and managers overseeing the position should collaborate to write effective traditional job descriptions.

Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.
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