HR Strategy - Storyboard
Types of Content
The Future of HR ReportIt’s undeniable; the future is uncertain and impossible to predict. This research report will help leaders think critically about the future of their HR function. To... |
Build a Change Sustainment Plan StoryboardOrganizations need to plan for change sustainment beyond the launch of the change. Involve key leaders in sustainment planning from the start, as leaders need to lead... |
Optimize Span of Control StoryboardStriving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this... |
Prepare for External Risks StoryboardOrganizations focus on operational and financial risks, often without considering the impact on talent. Proactively assessing risks allows the talent function to prepare... |
HR Organizational Alignment Diagnostic Guide StoryboardGain insight into stakeholder perception of HR performance and HR service importance to better align with stakeholder needs. |
HR Management & Governance Diagnostic Guide StoryboardUse this workbook to launch the HR Management & Governance diagnostic in your organization. |
Establish Data Governance for HR StoryboardThe volume of HR data is continuously increasing. Implement HR data governance practices to ensure data is available, accurate, standardized, and complete to create a... |
HR Trends Report for 2024McLean & Company’s latest research analyzes the key trends that will shape the HR and business world in 2024 based on survey data collected from more than 1,300 professionals. |
Making Sense of Generations in the Workplace StoryboardThis research provides a critical examination of generations in the workplace and their practical implications. |
Training Deck: Basics of Navigating Data for ManagersUse this training deck to facilitate data literacy training for people managers. |