
Demystifying Emotions in the Workplace Storyboard

The purpose of this research is to help organizations foster a healthy emotional culture by navigating the impact of emotions at the individual, team, and organizational...

Demystifying Emotions in the Workplace

The purpose of this research is to help organizations foster a healthy emotional culture by navigating the impact of emotions at the individual, team, and organizational...

Workshop Overview: Articulate Organizational Culture

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Articulate Organizational Culture online workshop.

Articulate Organizational Culture Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for articulating culture change to the executive and senior leadership team.

Culture Assessment Report Template

Use this template to summarize and present culture assessment findings to executives and senior leadership necessary for culture design to gain their buy-in and commitment.

Executive Pre-Read: Culture Blueprint Reflection

Use this template to help facilitate in-depth reflection on how executives and senior leadership's behaviors support the desired culture.

Culture Blueprint Template

Use this template to summarize and holistically review the organization’s completed culture blueprint.

Culture Facilitation Guide for Leaders

Use this guide to support leaders in facilitating meetings with their teams to integrate values into daily work practices.

Culture Blueprint Working Document

Use this tool to draft and record decisions made about the organization’s culture blueprint.

Key Player Analysis Tool

Use this tool to identify, analyze, and prioritize key players based on their level of influence, interest, and current level of support. Review the Key Player...
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