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Webinar: The Future of HR

How HR leaders can navigate uncertainty and prepare their HR function for the future.

Over the past several years, HR has played a critical role in guiding the organization through change and uncertainty, prioritizing HR activities that will add the most value. Several drivers of change will continue to influence the HR landscape:

  • Shifts in workforce demographics and composition are bringing more diversity to organizations.
  • Political, social, economic, and environmental developments are raising concerns around living costs, recession, global health concerns, climate change, and social movements.
  • Work itself is being reconceptualized through contingent workers, multiple-job holders, and remote and hybrid work.
  • Changes in employee sentiment are driving an increased desire for work-life balance, flexibility, and security.
  • Technological application and advancement are forcing organizations and HR functions to evolve and adapt.

Sentiments toward the HR function remain largely consistent – it has been perceived as a function that is increasing in importance, rather than one that is already important. Our Future of HR Report can serve as a powerful resource, providing a strategic lens to propel HR's transformation and drive organizational growth through informed decision-making and proactive planning.

Featured Speakers

Lisa Highfield

Principal Director, Research and Advisory Services
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Alexandra Zawora

Project Manager, HR Research & Advisory Services
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Maureen Cahill

Senior Managing Partner
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