Tagged - responsible ai

Develop Responsible AI Guiding Principles

Rapid advancement in AI has organizations either ignoring the technology or rushing to implement it for a competitive advantage. However, implementing AI without proper...
  • guided implementation icon

Develop Responsible AI Guiding Principles Storyboard

Rapid advancement in AI has organizations either ignoring the technology or rushing to implement it. HR must partner with leaders to define responsible AI guiding...

Develop Responsible AI Guiding Principles Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for developing responsible AI guiding principles to the executive team.

Responsible AI Guiding Principles Workbook

Use this workbook to assist in developing responsible AI guiding principles.

Responsible AI Guiding Principles Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to help educate key individuals on the developed responsible AI guiding principles.

Acceptable Use of AI Policy Template

Use this template to create a policy that outlines the acceptable use of AI within the organization.
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