Optimize Span of Control Storyboard

Author(s): Reni Balasingham, Michelle Cooper, Laura Ribadeneira

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An absence of a standard approach to optimizing span of control (SoC) complicates restructuring efforts. Every organization, business function, or industry requires a structure specific to their unique circumstances and these may change over time. Use this storyboard to create a customized SoC process to effectively prepare to restructure.

This research will help you:

  • Collect internal data to identify curent SoC and extract insights.
  • Familiarize yourself with the critical factors that impact SoC.
  • Assess potential cost savings through widening SoC.
  • Establish high-level SoC parameters to be mandated across all functional areas.
  • Prepare to deploy the initiatve.

Customizing the SoC for each of your targeted teams and/or functional areas will help your organization maximize on efficiency, leadership potential, and employee engagement.

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