Data Classification RACI Tool

Author(s): Logan Rohde

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This template will help you allocate ownership and responsibility for data classification processes. Identify stakeholders that are:

  • Responsible: The person(s) who does the work to accomplish the activity; they have been tasked with completing the activity or getting a decision made.
  • Accountable: The person(s) who is accountable for the completion of the activity. Ideally, this is a single person and is often an executive or program sponsor.
  • Consulted: The person(s) who provides information. This is usually several people, typically called subject matter experts (SMEs).
  • Informed: The person(s) who is updated on progress. These are resources that are affected by the outcome of the activities and need to be kept up to date.

Use this tool as part of the full blueprint Discover and Classify Your Data.

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