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Design an Employee Volunteer Program Storyboard

Employees want to work for socially responsible organizations, and they look to employers to help them find time and channels to give back. Collaborate with the workforce...

Design an Employee Volunteer Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for an employee volunteering program to maximize shared impact on the community, workforce, and the organization.

Employee Volunteer Program Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions during development of the employee volunteer program.

Case Studies: Design an Employee Volunteer Program

Refer to these case studies for examples of volunteer programs.

Employee Volunteering Policy

Use this template to record and update your volunteer program policy.

Guide for Measuring Learning Effectiveness

Use this guide to inform the selection of measurement and evaluation methods for learning and development solutions.

Putting the HR Back in Humor

Even though as HR professionals we are no stranger to stress, we might underestimate one of the most powerful ways to combat it…laughter.

LMS Download: HR Financial Literacy: Understanding the Basics

This interactive microlearning will help you become familiar with the basics of financial literacy and is intended to interact seamlessly with your organization’s...

Develop a Job Architecture Framework Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions as you work through the Develop a Job Architecture Framework storyboard.

Develop a Job Architecture Framework Storyboard

Clearly defined job levels and criteria help to address bias and favoritism in job titling, pay grades, and career paths. Develop a job architecture framework to decrease...
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