Tools & Templates

Change FAQ Template

Use this template to outline a list of frequently asked questions for leaders who will spearhead the change.

Employee Experience Project Planning Template

Use this template to document employer and employee needs from the employee lifecycle.

Discovery Interview Guide

Use this guide to find interviewing tips and sample questions that can be used during discovery interviews to gain employee perspectives.

Onboarding Guide for Human Resources

Use this guide to document key onboarding decisions about your new onboarding program.

Standard PESTLE Analysis Template

Use this template to conduct a PESTLE analysis to guide the assessment of your external environment.

Flexible Succession Planning Tracking Tool

Use this tool to group critical roles, create role group profiles, fill talent pools for each role group, and assess employee readiness to assume a role within the role group.

Span of Control Playbook

Use this tool to capture project decisions and data for this and all future iterations of your SoC optimization process.

LMS Download: Data Interpretation and Storytelling

This interactive eLearning module is the last in a series of three modules that target core principles of Data Literacy for HR Professionals. It is intended to interact...

Change Action and Communication Plan

Use this tool to establish clear action steps and communications to implement a change.

Change Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the upcoming change and to identify areas of strength and opportunity.
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