HR Technology & Operations

Communications Resources Overview

This one-page resource provides an overview of key McLean & Company communications resources that can support your HR and organizational needs.

Communications Calendar Template

Use this Excel calendaring tool to organize and monitor key communications throughout the organization, while accounting for any resourcing constraints and competing...

Acceptable Use of AI Policy Template

Use this template to create a policy that outlines the acceptable use of AI within the organization.

Case Studies: Develop a Holistic Digital HR Strategy

Refer to these case studies for examples of holistic digital HR strategies.

Insights on Internal Talent Marketplaces: Interview with Watson Stewart

The change and communication required to support the implementation and sustainment of a talent marketplace are vast. Communication is critical when addressing impacts to...

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace: Design Considerations

Learn more about key decision points that organizations make when designing a talent marketplace to fit their purpose and meet their needs.

The Three C’s of Enterprise Collaboration Software

This note outlines a Three C’s of Enterprise Collaboration framework to help buyers effectively navigate the collaboration software marketspace.

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace: Topic Overview

Learn more about internal talent marketplaces, their benefits and risks, and the conditions that set organizations up for success.

Case Studies: Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace

Refer to these case studies for examples of how other organizations have implemented an internal talent marketplace.

Develop a Holistic Digital HR Strategy Storyboard

As HR's role becomes increasingly strategic and internal clients expect modern delivery of HR services, it's become more important than ever to begin HR's digital...
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