HR Technology & Operations - Tools & Templates

Task Analysis Framework Example

Use this example as a starting point to develop the HR Employee Task Analysis Survey.

HR Shared Services Business Case Template

Use this template to compose a compelling business case to gain executive buy-in and support for a tailored HR shared service model.

HR Shared Services Playbook

Use this tool to record HR shared services planning details and decisions.

Process Mapping Guide

Use this guide to understand process mapping best practices.

Crisis Communication Guides

Use these guides to create organizational communications that are calm and transparent and reinforce the business continuity plan.

Employee Departure Checklist Tool

Use this tool to document the necessary steps for both voluntary and involuntary turnover to ensure offboarding requirements are met.

Exit Interview Template

Use this template to gather feedback from voluntarily departing employees on the employee experience and the reasoning behind employee turnover.

Termination Costing Tool

Use the Termination Costing Tool to calculate the total cost of an involuntarily departing employee's termination package. Customize the tool to suit your organization's...

Knowledge Transfer Template

Use this template to ensure that job-related knowledge is not lost when employees leave the organization.

Exit Summary Template

Exit Summaries are short documents that help ensure all departing employees leave the organization with the necessary information about final pay, benefits, and contact...
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