Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In Storyboard

Many HR initiatives are complex and expensive and require a significant amount of planning to implement successfully. Use this storyboard to build a business case for...

Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executive team that you should move forward with developing a business case.

Develop a Sound HR Business Case to Accelerate Buy-In

Many HR initiatives are complex and expensive and require a significant amount of planning to implement successfully. A financial business case is sometimes used to...
  • guided implementation icon

Case Studies: Craft an Internal Communications Strategy

Refer to these case studies for examples of implemented communications strategies.

Craft an Internal Communications Strategy Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for an internal communications strategy that gives everyone in the organization the tools to communicate effectively.

Voluntary Departure Letter Template

Use this template to provide voluntarily departing employees with key information prior to leaving the organization.

Termination Logistics Tool

Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.

Effectively Manage the HR Policy Portfolio Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for creating a robust HR policy portfolio.

Termination Costing Tool

Use the Termination Costing Tool to calculate the total cost of an involuntarily departing employee's termination package. Customize the tool to suit your organization's...

Develop an Offboarding Plan to Manage Risk and Transition Employees Effectively Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for offboarding by communicating the purpose and outcome of the project and gaining support from key stakeholders to invest in the program.
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