HR Strategy

Reconceptualize Job Descriptions Storyboard

Rethink the way job descriptions are used and the process to create and update them. Support the adoption of a streamlined process to transform job descriptions from a...

Reconceptualize Job Descriptions

Simplify both the template and the process to transform job descriptions into living documents that drive stakeholder value.
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Develop a Leadership Strategy to Drive Organizational Results Storyboard

Leadership development is not enough to prepare for the increasingly complex responsibilities leaders are facing today. Before implementing a development program, start...

Develop a Leadership Strategy to Drive Organizational Results Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to build a leadership strategy tailored to the organization's needs.

List of Change Management Projects

Use this tool to provide a high-level overview and tracking of all the change projects in progress within the organization.

Project Level Assessment and Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to assess risk and complexity of projects and prioritize them.

HR Cost Optimization Workbook

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.

Optimize HR Department Costs

Optimize HR department costs research & tools.
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Optimize HR Department Costs Storyboard

To ensure HR is set up for success, build an action-oriented HR cost optimization roadmap and communication plan.

HR Cost Optimization Executive Presentation Template

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.
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